baibars mechatronics aviation Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company


a) Data Controller and Representative

baibars mechatronics aviation Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company (“baibars mechatronics aviation”) attaches the utmost importance to the security of your personal data. With this awareness, baibars mechatronics aviation places great importance on the processing and protection of all types of personal data belonging to all real persons associated with baibars mechatronics aviation in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698. Your personal data may be processed by baibars mechatronics aviation, as the data controller, within the scope explained below.

b) The Purpose of Processing Personal Data

The obtained personal data;

  • Within the scope of carrying out the necessary work for the execution of activities carried out by baibars mechatronics aviation and the execution of related business processes; the creation and management of information technology infrastructure, planning or execution of business continuity activities, planning or execution of corporate communication activities, event management, execution of procurement activities, planning or execution of corporate sustainability activities,
  • Your personal data and photographs will be processed and stored by baibars mechatronics aviation in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698. Your personal data and photographs may be used by baibars mechatronics aviation in all corporate affiliation activities, including advertising and promotion.
  • Processing of employee or employee candidate data within the scope of relevant legislation and contracts, and execution of internship/vocational training/scholarship/education program activities,
  • Fulfillment of storage, information, reporting, and other obligations defined by legislation arising from the relevant legislation,
  • Processing of personal data within the scope of carrying out the necessary work for the relevant persons who will benefit from the products, services, and support provided by baibars mechatronics aviation, and the execution of related business processes,
  • Processing of personal data within the scope of planning or execution of activities necessary for the recommendation and promotion of products, services, and support provided by baibars mechatronics aviation to relevant persons by customizing according to their preferences, usage habits, and needs.

For the purposes of processing, within the conditions of personal data processing specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.

You can access detailed information regarding the purposes of processing your personal data by baibars mechatronics aviation from the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy of baibars mechatronics aviation Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company on the website

c) To Whom and For What Purpose the Processed Personal Data May Be Transferred

Your collected personal data may be transferred to our shareholders, affiliates and subsidiaries, business partners, suppliers, and authorized public institutions or third parties within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, limited to the purposes specified in the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy of baibars mechatronics aviation Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company, and may be processed domestically and internationally.

ç) Method and Legal Reason for Collecting Personal Data

Your personal data is collected and stored by baibars mechatronics aviation through different communication channels, based on different legal or commercial reasons, in physical or electronic environments, for the purpose of providing benefits to you, fulfilling internal requirements/continuing activities, developing or fulfilling obligations arising from the legislation.

d) Rights of the Personal Data Owner Under Article 11 of Law No. 6698

As personal data owners, if you submit your requests regarding your rights to baibars mechatronics aviation Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company in accordance with the methods set out in the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy, baibars mechatronics aviation will finalize the request as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, free of charge depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction incurs an additional cost, the fee will be charged according to the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. In this context, personal data owners have the following rights:

  • To learn whether their personal data is processed or not,
  • To request information if their personal data has been processed,
  • To learn the purpose of processing their personal data and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose,
  • To know the third parties to whom their personal data is transferred, domestically or abroad,
  • To request the correction of incomplete or inaccurate data, if any,
  • To request the deletion or destruction of personal data if the reasons for its processing have disappeared, even though it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 6698 and other relevant laws, and to request notification of the operations carried out within this scope to the third parties to whom their personal data has been transferred,
  • To object to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems, and
  • To demand the compensation of the damage in case of damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data.

e) Personal Data Retention Period

The personal data you have shared with baibars mechatronics aviation through the channels mentioned in this Information Text will be retained in accordance with the retention periods stipulated by the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and the relevant legislation, if a period is stipulated. If a period is stipulated in the law and relevant legislation, upon the expiration of the mentioned period, or if no period is stipulated, the procedures to be followed are specified in the Personal Data Retention and Destruction Policy of baibars mechatronics aviation Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 titled “Application to the Data Controller,” you may submit your application to baibars mechatronics aviation to exercise your above-mentioned rights and communicate your request in writing or through other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. You need to submit your application to baibars mechatronics aviation in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698. The channels and methods through which you will submit your application to baibars mechatronics aviation are explained below.

To use the rights mentioned above, you can submit your request with the necessary information that will clearly identify your identity, along with explanations regarding the right you wish to exercise as mentioned in Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, by filling out and signing the application form available at and delivering it in person, via a notary, or by sending it to the email address [email protected] using your registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or your email address previously notified to baibars mechatronics aviation and registered in baibars mechatronics aviation's system.